Things I will miss after getting married…

If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living. Gail Sheehy

So that moment of change is finally here. The D-day is approaching really fast. And in just 10 days I will no longer be single. To be honest, I am not really getting cold feet or the fear of unknown. Maybe, you don’t if your bride is your best friend and you know her for nearly eight years. But it would be a lie, if I say I won’t miss anything about my single lifestyle. So here are the 5 things that I will miss the most.

  1. Late night whatever: I am a night owl. I sleep late, wake up late. Though my new office timing forced me to be a early riser, I still sleep late and compensate sleep on weekends.:) But my fiancee being an early to bed kind of person, I don’t think, I will be allowed to stay up late, unless, I want my ass kicked. So there goes late night coffee, card games, counter strike or just plain old F.R.I.E.N.D.S. marathon.
  2. Being a slob: T shirts, shorts, newspaper, laptops, snacks, books, pack of cards, holy grail, may be even a horcrux if you are lucky (or Harry Potter), can be found on my bed. And that is a fun. Everyday is like a treasure hunt. Finding your watch just in time for office gives a sense of achievement and boosts your ego. Though wildly popular in our apartment and an interest shared by my roommates, unfortunately, this habit of being slob won’t be entertained after married.
  3. Eating whatever, whenever: No more biriyani, pizza, pasta meals whenever I want or that nutty brownie at 1.30 am. Apparently they are not good for my health(come on, most of the tasty things aren’t!!).
  4. Not explaining my expenditure to anyone. After I am married, I won’t have anything called my money. It will be ‘our’ money. So each and every purchase will have to be discussed and decided mutually. My bank balance will not be at the mercy of my whims anymore. Well…at least my wallet will be happy. 
  5. Avoiding Gym: When was the last time I went to a gym or did any substantial workout… Wow! It has been a week!! No wait!! A month… Nope close to a year now. But I have to say good bye to those lazy fun days. After a few days, I will be kicked out of bed every morning! Run, Run!!

Anyway, It’s time to accept the change, time to grow, time to live. 🙂

Weird me!!!

It was 7.05 am, this morning( Monday, 17th February,2014), when my mobile alarm rang… for the third time. Yes, I set at least three alarms in 5 minutes interval. That guarantees that I wake up on time even if I sleep through one or two of them. And even if I wake up on the first one, I know I have two 5 minutes slot for sleeping before I HAVE TO wake up. And I hope many of you know that means the world :D. Anyway, coming back to the point, when I woke up I just knew, nothing is going to get done by me today. With a full blown Monday morning blues, cursing my god damn boring life, mundane job and an unhappy self, I started my daily chores and getting ready for office…

Around 12 hours later…when I was surfing I after coming back from office, I came across a year old daily prompt topic. It really made me smile. May be this was a required push to make me introspect and appreciate all the different, appease my cranky mood. It said:

Far from normal
Many of us think of our lives as boringly normal, while others
live the high life. Take a step back, and take a look at your
life as an outsider might. Now, tell us at least six unique,
exciting, or just plain odd things about yourself.

So here I am, trying to figure out a few things about me. I don’t know if they are odd/ unique/ exciting enough to qualify.

1. I am acrophobic. I don’t have any problem with getting on the top of tall building or getting on a plane. But Paragliding, bungee jumping, Large vertical merry-go-Rounds scare the shit out of me. Sad smile I tried facing-your-fear sh**. It scared the heck out of me every time.

2. I have a very low attention span…for most of the things. So I take interest in many things. But lose interest even faster when the next thing comes along. Well that makes me jack of many trades ( definitely not all). But can’t remember what I am master at.

3. I can move my ears without using my hands. Open-mouthed smile I know, I know… it’s a cow thing.

4. I am bad at presentation. I converse with all the people around me individually or in groups everyday. But whenever I am supposed to give a presentation (even to those same people) I inevitably get an acute case of stage fright… dry mouth, wobbly knees, speech impairment… the whole nine yards.

5. I have a specific place for me where I sit during lunch or dinner… yeah, like Sheldon cooper in ‘Big Bang Theory’.

6. I told this one already. Smile I put 3-4 alarms so that I can sleep in installments next morning.

Bonus: I can’t fall asleep if I don’t lie with my forearm under my head.